
Types of Ayurvedic Massages

Ayurveda has been around for 3,000 years, and this ancient science of life continues to fascinate scientists and researchers worldwide for its effectiveness even today. What is more amazing about Ayurveda is its variety of solutions. Ayurveda focuses on your body and mind holistically, instead of just operating on symptoms. For instance, if you are suffering from head ache or body ache, Ayurvedic massages are the perfect solution.

Ayurvedic massages are methodical and clearly-defined massage techniques that involve usage of powerful herbs. There are many different types of Ayurvedic massages to pick from. They all differ in the ingredients used, the purpose of the massage, and, primarily, the technique.

So, if you like self-care and want to explore the wide range of ayurvedic massages, here are the top five ayurvedic massages you can start with.

1. Abhyanga:

“Abhyanga” is a Sanskrit word that means “massage with warm oil”. There’s a reason we have kept it right at the top because abhyanga is something you can self-administer. In fact, a 20-minute massage time at least twice a week is a must-add to your self-care routine. All you have to do is find the right oil. The trick in abhyanga is finding the right ayurvedic body massage oil based on the dosha balance in your body. Namely, there are three doshas: vata, pitta, and kapha. An imbalance (excess or deficit) in any of the three is believed to be the cause of our mind and body disorders.

2. Shirodhara:

“Shir” means forehead. “Dhara” means a steady stream. Put them together; this is a massage technique where a slow and steady stream of pure fluid drips on your forehead. This fluid can be milk, water, or an herbal oil.

It has been found that shirodhara has immense benefits for your mental health. If you struggle with poor sleep, anxiety, or stress, this massage is hyper-focused on all that goes on inside your head. It activates your hypothalamus and pituitary gland while also bringing your cortisol and adrenaline levels down. These are the two hormones primarily responsible for high stress.

3. Udvartana:

“Udvartana” is Sanskrit for “to move in an upward direction”. This massage involves brisk upward strokes, done in the opposite direction of body hair growth.`

Like other massages on the list, Udvartana also uses powerful herbs, but, it doesn’t make use of oils necessarily. This massage technique can also be done using a dry herbal powder or a paste. The herbs that are chosen for Udvartana are based on the conditions you are treating. For instance, if you were looking for skin benefits, rose powder would be good. Add to that some lavender or bergamot oil, and you have the best body massage oil for pain relief.

What Udvartana primarily does is it balance the Kapha dosha. When in excess, Kapha can lead to lethargy, laziness, and gaining extra weight. Udvartana is a massage technique that may help with weight regulation and toning the body. When done using a dry herbal paste, Udvartana’s upward strokes also help exfoliate the skin and remove toxins.

4. Pizhichil:

Among one of the oldest and gentlest massage techniques from Ayurveda, Pizhichil originated in Kerala. Pizhichil translates to “squeeze.”.

In this ayurvedic massage, the practitioner dips a clean cloth in a bowl of warm herbal oil and then squeezes the cloth over the patient’s body. The oil isn’t applied all over at once. Depending on the nature of the treatment and desired effects, there may be different herbal oils poured in different parts of the body. After the oil has been poured, the practitioner then massages it in slow and rhythmic motions.

Pizhichil is said to help improve overall blood circulation and immunity and, for ages, was used by the royalty to rejuvenate and relax.

5. Marma:

“Marma” means “vital.” Marma points are described as specific regions in the human body through which the vital force of life flows. Any blockage or hindrance in this flow is what leads to disorders. The Marma massage aims to remove those blockages and regulate these points. There are a total of 107 marma points in the body, and hence, it takes a specialized practitioner to perform this massage technique correctly. One of the more delicate forms of ayurvedic massages, this one also makes use of an ayurvedic massage oil.

It is no coincidence that 4 out of 5 Ayurveda’s most powerful massage techniques make use of an oil. The key is in the herbs that make the oil. At Navratna Therapy, we took our time studying all of Ayurveda’s best-kept secrets and herbs to give you the ayurvedic body massage oil you need. Packed with powerful herbs like Eucalyptus, Lavender, Rose, Bergamot, and Ashwagandha, here’s an aroma oil for body massage that doesn’t just smell good but also helps you destress and rejuvenate right from the first application. Mental or physical stress, one oil for the perfect self-care ritual!